Hello! I am Haofeng Ma!

I am a Ph.D. Candidate in the Department of Political Science at The University of Iowa. As a comparativist, my substantive research interests include public opinion, political linguistics, ethnicity, and political economy. Methodologically, I employ spatial and temporal statistics, Bayesian statistics, natural language processing, and GIS methods in my studies.

Currently, I am completing my Ph.D. dissertation, Native Tongues, Language Policy, and Political Attitudes, and plan to defend it by May 2025. My dissertation is a pioneering study systematically theorizing and examining the role of language in shaping individual political attitudes.

I am a member of the Dynamic Comparative Public Opinion (DCPO) Lab led by Frederick Solt. DCPO advances the study of public opinion by estimating latent variables from cross-national survey data, addressing issues of sparse and incomparable data and examining the dynamics of significant public opinion issues.

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